03 Oct Publications & Databases
The application and contribution of psychological science to society knows no bounds. 2016 was another important year in the advancement of research in the behavioral sciences. APA contributed to the progress in the field through our academic, professional and trade book lists, our scholarly journals program and our online databases. These publications offer quick and easy access to cutting-edge content in psychology.
In 2016, we released 52 new books, all on platforms for hosting e-book content and providing access to academic libraries. The journals program published nearly 5,000 articles in 484 issues across 90 journals. In addition, we continued to oversee APA’s research databases, including APA PsycINFO®, the world’s leading discovery platform for the behavioral sciences, and APA PsycNET®, APA’s online hosting platform for the latest research content from APA. One of the year’s highlights was the release of the much-anticipated APA Style CENTRAL®, which won the 2017 PROSE Award for EProduct/Best in Social Sciences for 2016 by the Association of American Publishers. We thank all our authors, contributors, reviewers and editors for making 2016 another strong year for psychological science.
APA Books
APA publishes books to meet the needs of scholars, clinicians, researchers and students in all areas of psychology. Our product lines encompass an array of resources, including scholarly and professional titles, APA reference books, APA LifeTools®, Magination Press® imprints, and APA Videos®.
A number of APA books received awards in 2016, including the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Year for the “APA Dictionary of Psychology, Second Edition®” (APA Books) and the Bronze Medal in the 2016 Living Now Book Awards for Parenting for “Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children” (APA LifeTools).
Magination Press, APA’s renowned children’s books program, picked up several awards in 2016:
Top row, from left: “Ouch Moments: When the Words Are Used in Hurtful Ways” won a 2016 Family Choice Award and was a gold medal winner in the Mom’s Choice Awards, as was “Don’t Put Yourself Down in Circus Town: A Story About Self-Confidence.” “Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Boy” won silver medal honors in the EUREKA! Excellence in Children’s Nonfiction Award from the California Reading Association.
Bottom row, from left: “Bounce Back: How to Be a Resilient Kid” was named a winner in the Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award in the motivation and inspiration category. “Somebody Cares: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Neglect,” won first place in the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards in the picture books for ages 6 and over category, and “Move Your Mood” received an honorable mention in the same category.
New scholarly titles released by APA Books
Book titles released as Kindle editions
E-titles released to Ebrary, Ebsco, and Overdrive
Videos released, along with 36 streaming videos
APA Journals
APA’s journals program produces an array of scholarly journals that cover the spectrum of modern psychology. The scholarly and professional journals we publish are essential resources for psychologists, behavioral health scientists and students. The journals program published 90 titles in 2016. Some of the most heavily cited articles included “The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress,” “Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Being” and “Religiously Sensitive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.”
Electronic Products
In 2016, APA launched APA Style CENTRAL®, its online learning solution that complements the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association®. Developed especially for students and instructors, the complete online style guide and collaborative writing tool helps users with each step of researching, writing and publishing their work. APA Style CENTRAL won the 2017 PROSE Award for EProduct/Best in Social Sciences for 2016 by the Association of American Publishers.
APA Style CENTRAL®: The revolutionary new electronic resource for APA Style
Developed and engineered by APA, the APA PsycNET® platform is integrated with the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms® and allows for discovery of content across all APA databases (PsycINFO®, PsycARTICLES®, PsycBOOKS®, PsycEXTRA®, PsycCRITIQUES®, PsycTESTS®, and PsycTHERAPY®), affording users access to pertinent literature in the field of psychology and related disciplines.
Journals covered by PsycINFO at end of 2016
New records added to PsycTESTS, reaching a total of 42,548 records
Records released into PsycINFO database in 2016, bringing total number of records in PsycINFO to 4,216,121
Cited references released into PsycINFO database in 2016, bringing total number of cited references in database to 93,865,286