17 Jul Executive Management Group
The Executive Management Group sets strategic direction and policy for the APA Central Office.
Here is where a description would go.
Cynthia D. Belar, PhD, ABPP
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Here is where a description would go.
Jaime “Jim” L. Diaz-Granados, PhD
Executive Director, Education Directorate
Here is where a description would go.
Ellen G. Garrison, PhD
Senior Policy Advisor
Here is where a description would go.
Tony F. Habash, DSc
Chief Business Integration Officer and Chief Information Officer
Here is where a description would go.
Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, PhD
Executive Director, Public Interest Directorate
Here is where a description would go.
Ian King, MBA
Executive Director, Membership
Here is where a description would go.
Howard Kurtzman, PhD
Acting Executive Director, Science Directorate
Here is where a description would go.
Kim I. Mills, MA
Interim Senior Communications Advisor
Here is where a description would go.
Nancy Gordon Moore, PhD, MBA
Executive Director, Strategic Programs
Here is where a description would go.
Katherine C. Nordal, PhD
Executive Director, Practice Directorate
Here is where a description would go.
Deanne Marie Ottaviano, JD
General Counsel
Here is where a description would go.
Jasper Simons
Executive Publisher, Publications and Databases
Here is where a description would go.
Archie Turner
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer